Running Start

    • Running Start - Basic Information and Participation Agreement

      The Running Start Program is a partnership between Yakima Valley College and the area public high schools. The program offers eligible high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to enroll in regular college classes on the YVC campus and to receive both high school and college credit for those classes. Students may choose to enroll simultaneously in high school and college classes, or solely in college classes. The State of Washington pays for college tuition costs, all other costs must be paid by the student--including transportation, lab fees and necessary books and supplies.

      Running Start is intended for students that are able to be successful in an environment in which they will have more independence than in the high school setting. With this independence is the responsibility for managing courses selection, course completion, and study time without the direct supervision of high school staff. The local high school has limited contact with Running Start students, especially those who are full time, so it becomes imperative that the student accepts responsibility to keep informed about those high school events they wish to attend.


      General Information

    • High school juniors and seniors become eligible to participate in Running Start by passing the college placement examination. Information about Running Start and registration to take the placement exam can be found on the "Prospective Student" link on the YVC website -

    • Transportation to YVC and all other college related expenses are the responsibility of the student and parent.

    • There is a difference in academic expectations of students in college versus high school, such as an increased expectation at the collegiate level for the amount of work, student skill level, and the amount of independent learning done outside the classroom. EVHS does not receive grade or progress reports for Running Start students. That information is provided to the student by the college.

    • There are differences in the school calendars between YVC and EVHS. The start and ending dates, as well as vacation dates, will not be the same. Students that are not full time Running Start are expected to attend classes as scheduled on both schools calendars.

    • YVC operates on a quarters schedule. EVHS is on a semester schedule. This difference creates difficulties changing student schedules to increase or decrease time at either school during the school year. For example, students attending YVC wishing to increase the number of classes at EVHS after the school year has started can only do so at the beginning of the second semester.

    • The course offerings at YVC are subject to change each trimester, dependent upon class sign up. EVHS does not have control or input into what or when classes are offered at YVC.

    • Information regarding the college course offerings, YVC program offerings, and prerequisite requirements is all handled through the YVC advisors. EVHS counselors are the best source of information about EVHS programs, offerings, etc.

    • Running Start students are eligible to participate in high school extra curricular activities, as long as they fulfill all the activity requirements and expectations of all student participants.

    • High School Graduation Information

      All high school graduation requirements apply to running start students wishing to earn a high school diploma. 

      As with all Washington State students, passage of the SBA in reading and writing is required to earn a high school diploma. Students who do not pass the math portion of the SBA during the sophomore year are required to continue to take the SBA annually and complete one credit of high school level math (at YVC high school level courses begin with Math 85) for each year the test is not passed. It is important to understand that students who place below college level in math (at YVC college level courses begin with Math 100) will be required to pay the tuition for that course. The Running Start program does not fund high school level classes taken at the college.

      Running Start students that earn an AA degree are identified in the East Valley graduation program. There is not recognition within the high school graduation ceremony itself. They are invited to participate in the YVC graduation in recognition of earning their AA degree.

      The following YVC courses fulfill specific high school graduation requirements. There are no alternatives or exceptions. Attached is a list of all high school graduation requirements. Running Start students are responsible to work with their college advisor to insure scheduling of the following specific graduation requirements.

    • YVC Course Equivalencies

      Important Notes

    • A five credit course at YVC earns one high school credit. Full time Running Start students schedule no less than 15 credits.

  • The spring quarter at YVC typically ends after the high school graduation date. Running Start students in jeopardy of not passing classes required to graduate will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony unless confirmation can be given by YVC that the credit will be earned.