SCOTT BARBA » Mr. Barba's Classroom

Mr. Barba's Classroom

Welcome to my classroom! I have served as an educator now for over 25 years and am honored to have your child in my classroom. Although my background is in mathematics education, I have served in many roles such as principal, counselor, instructional coach, and presently as our computer science teacher.
In addition to teaching computer science here at East Valley High School, I also am the head coach for our new Red Devil's Esports program. Students are really excited about this new experience, and it is my goal to educate and train our eSports athletes in a variety of eSports career pathways.
On this classroom page you will find links to my other pages such as Red Devil's Esports and resource specific information such as course syllabi, weekly learning spotlights, videos, photo albums and more. 
COURSES for 2022-23
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. In this course, students will learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply computer science to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs. They will incorporate abstraction into programs and use data to discover new knowledge. Students will also explain how computing innovations and computing systems, including the Internet, work, explore their potential impacts, and contribute to a computing culture that is collaborative and ethical.
C-STEM Algebra 1 with Computing & Robotics
This course guides students through topics in Algebra 1 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics while simultaneously teaching students programming and computational thinking. Students use programming in C/C++ to reinforce and extend their knowledge of mathematical concepts by formulating steps that a computer program could calculate to find a solution, analyzing the results for accuracy, and revising/modifying the programming solutions as necessary. Topics covered include solving multiple step equations, solving and plotting absolute value equations and inequalities, linear equations, systems of linear equations and inequalities, polynomial functions, exponential functions, evaluating, multiplying, and factoring polynomial functions, solving quadratic equations with applications, probability, statistical data analysis and visualization, and arithmetic and geometric sequences. Robotics activities allow students to reenact physically derived mathematical problems through visualize situations, associate linear and quadratic graphs with physical phenomenon, predict and identify key features of the graphs with robotic systems, and solve robotics problems through mathematical modeling and programming.


WA State Esports Tournament

This year was Washington State's first Esports tournament. I had the privilege to attend and help out Lincoln Alternative High School from Walla Walla. It was a great time and students were truly in their element and competitive. We look forward to hosting one of these events here at EVHS in the future!!